Wednesday, March 9, 2011


So I just took the midterm (WOW) and I am so unsure how I did I feel sick to my stomach. The teacher kept saying its easy its easy piece of cake, well I’ll tell you what if that was a piece of cake it was the worst cake I have ever had! I felt unprepared the entire time, so I guess I can only blame myself and maybe him a little. I do understand the material and the concepts, I just forget the terms. My MGT class is the same way, so maybe it’s just me? One guy only took like five minutes, I think he cheated. There I go again looking for the bad in people, maybe he took this class last semester or maybe he is a genius, why do I always see the negative in people? I just wish the material came to as easy as the assignments in this class. Well I guess I only have a few years left of school so I should look at the bright side more often. I was told going back to school is the hardest part and I have done that so it should be downhill from here right? Time will defiantly tell that’s for sure. I guess that enough for today, I hope I have the energy to get back tomorrow.