This is the last public blog; after this assignment is graded this blog will go private. I will leave access to all currant followers if you would like to keep reading this jumbled mess.
Anyway was hoping with no school I could dig out my project car (weather permitting) and get a few things accomplished with it. I would also like to get a head in some classes; especially MGT212 It’s a lot of work, probably should get the house in order as well. My wife has really been great since I started school. With going to the gym, work, school/studding I haven’t had much time for her or the house work, she does a great job in keeping up with everything. With the house choirs, bills, dogs and almost no help from ma and she never complains. I do tell her how much I appreciate her and what she does, but I’m not sure if she even cares if I notice how much she does. Maybe she just sees what needs to be done and does it, I on the other hand tend to go through procrastinating moods and won’t do things that can wait. I should probably get started on this list before the day disappears just like they all do.